Preparing for an Unmedicated Birth with Hypnosis
You've heard the stories and seen the films. Modern media and society don't often portray birth in a positive light. As a population, we are conditioned to think of birth as an experience to be feared but you know there’s a better way. You know your body was meant to bring life forth. Your instincts tell you that you can have an unmedicated birth, a sacred birth and a beautiful, empowering experience. Perhaps you’ve even heard whispers of stories where birth is pleasurable and even orgasmic!
One of the ways to achieve the powerful birth you’ve been fantasizing about is through childbirth hypnosis. Not the old pocket-watch "You're getting verrry sleepy" kind of hypnosis, but a state of being much like a daydream or the state you are in while engrossed in a delightful book. You’re completely aware of what you are doing, and what is going on around you. Think of hypnosis for childbirth like a deeply meditative state.
Self-hypnosis is used by women all over the world to achieve a more comfortable labor and birth experience. The most common modern way to use hypnosis during labor and birth is to listen to a series of tracks that help you find that deep meditative state. The tracks are listened to throughout pregnancy, combined with other education to coincide with your hypnosis tracks and techniques. With practice and conditioning, you'll feel prepared for your labor, birth, and motherhood. You’ll release your fears and embrace your inner wise woman as a source of strength and wisdom.
Hypnosis for childbirth can:
Establish birth as the sacred and transformational experience it was meant to be
Develop a feeling of preparedness and confidence
Contribute to a relaxed pregnancy experience
Calm fears surrounding labor, birth, and parenting
Reduce likelihood of a breech presentation
Lessen the need for pain medication
Contribute to a shorter and more positive labor experience
Increase the bond between mother, partner, and child
Create a calm and peaceful entrance into the world for baby
Result in an alert and energized birthing mother
Modern birthing culture has indeed lost touch with the ancient feminine wisdom of giving birth. We have the ability to take back childbirth and make it sacred again, as it was always meant to be. Using hypnosis during childbirth encourages the release of hormones that help your labor progress, which promotes deep relaxation, reduces discomfort and intensifies the bond with your partner.
The power of hypnosis for birth can be used if you plan to birth in a hospital, birth center, at home, or anywhere else. You may be attended by midwives, obstetricians, or your family doctor, have doulas, or plan to give birth unassisted. Hypnosis is a tool for you to manifest a birthing experience that has a positive impact on who you are for your lifetime.
Want to try hypnosis for yourself? I have created a comprehensive 9 Module course that includes powerful hypnosis tracks to help you have a smooth labor. Try the 'free trial' and download the recording: "Transforming Pain to Pleasure" to see for yourself the benefits of hypnosis.
And finally, I'll leave you with this beautiful birth video by a woman that used hypnosis to prepare:
Did you use hypnobirth or another form of hypnosis for your birth? Tell us your experience below!