The Secret to Immortality

As women we store an ENORMOUS amount of potent life-force energy in our ovaries. Every month, given that we don't become pregnant, we lose a lot of this energy when we menstruate.

In this video I'm going to teach you an exercise that Taoism calls "the secret to immortality." Ovarian breathing is a simple technique that you can use to harness this powerful energy, and circulate it throughout your entire body so that you can experience high levels of health and vitality.

Other benefits include:

  • awakening your sexual energy

  • moving any stagnant energy that could potentially manifest as illness, ovarian cysts, etc.

  • decreasing the length of bleeding during menstruation

  • decreasing or eliminating pain before or during menstruation

  • opening up your body to experience full body orgasms

  • healing traumas in your womb

  • balancing hormones

*I do not recommend doing this during pregnancy or if you are trying to get pregnant. In all other phases of your life, this exercise is wonderful!

Learn this powerful exercise in my video below: 


5 New Moon Rituals That Will Enliven Your Month


Balance your Hormones with this Simple Technique