Whapio ‘The Matrona'
Whapio has been an Independent Midwife for over 30 years, attending women and families in birth and educating women in the Arts of Midwifery and Healing. She also teaches Homeopathy and is affiliated with HANA (Hahnemann Academy of North America).
She has studied homeopathy and Qigong with Robin Murphy, ND for over 20 years. She has also studied healing at The Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Beijing Massage Hospital in China. Whapio is a Community Mediator and counselor for family concerns. She speaks and writes frequently about Quantum Midwifery and Returning Birth to the Family.
The Matrona Programs created by Whapio – Quantum Midwifery Program, Holistic Doula Program, all of her other teaching programs serve to share and expand this knowledge of life and consciousness.
Learn more about Whapio’s work at www.TheMatrona.com