10 Must Haves for your Organic Natural Newborn Registry
Hi Mamas and Papas to be! I've
1. Outfits to keep their little wolverine claws from scratching their faces. I absolutely LOVE these little sleeping gowns. They are super practical because they keep baby warm and cozy and you have the option of folding over the land hand protector so they don't scratch their face. I personally hate those little glove things that people put on newborns. It's just one more thing to have to hold onto and let's face it, they look kinda strange! These different outfits with built in hand protectors are great for your little baby wolverine who likes to cut up his newborn beautiful face! The sleeping gowns can last many months too as when baby stretches out, they can be worn as a top. These two were our favorites for our baby: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XKJLDG7?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=IPCBZK3OK7YPW&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link and these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00O0O46AC?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=I35S3YJXMSKR4Y&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
2. Cloth diapers! Did you know that about 20 billion disposable diapers are dumped into landfills each year?! Aside from the environmental impact, the inner absorbent layer of a disposable diaper is often treated with chemicals that are harsh for your precious newborn baby's skin. We turned to these super practical, easy to use and easy to wash FuzziBunz diapers. We paired these cloth diapers with our practice of "Elimination Communication" (LINK) to make our lives easy and eco friendly. :) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C2717W1?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=I14B9D6OXYTWCJ&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link P.S. To save money with these, it's not necessary to purchase the XS newborn size. Unless you have a very small baby, they'll be able to wear the small for many months and it'll be big just for those first few weeks- months. Also, try out these washable diaper bags to store the dirty diapers in: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C1W92CR?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=IGHNP1RQZ26TP&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
3. A solid nursing pillow. I love the Boppy because it's comfortable, versatile and has slipcovers that can be purchased separately based on what styles you like and these covers can easily thrown in the wash. The Boppy can be used to lay baby on so you can prop her up if she has reflux and then as baby grows, she can sit inside the boppy as she's practicing sitting up. Boppy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075GLC4RK?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=I1CQES1CALJA5R&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_linkBoppy Slip Cover: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017ORVXKW?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=I27C6NB04X930M&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
4. Baby Carriers: I know many new parents are looking for that one carrier they can use from newborn to toddler and while they do exist, I prefer to start with a ring sling. I love the ease of throwing it over one shoulder and tucking baby in so they can nap or nurse from one side. Newborns absolutely love the feeling of these slings because they feel like they're back in the womb. While you can use the ring sling as they grow, I personally feel that it gets too heavy on one shoulder, but that it's the perfect carrier for the first 3-4 months. Then I recommend switching over to a carrier like the extremely comfortable and versatile Ergo 360 in which you can carry baby in an ergonomically correct position facing forward, facing in, on your back and even on your hip! Ring sling: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D7FJNWC?colid=28XTIORRT9P8G&coliid=I3D8J4J0CKME5K&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_linkErgo 360: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y65FDNK/ref=twister_B07PVCFPKZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1Alternatively, you could skip the ring sling all together and purchase the ergo with this newborn insert: https://www.amazon.com/Ergobaby-Easy-Snug-Infant-Insert/dp/B01ET1L3G0/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=newborn+insert+for+ergo+360&qid=1556644288&s=baby-products&sr=1-1
5. Breast Pump. While I'm not a "pumping mom" because I have the privilege of being able to work from home, I always think it's a good idea to have one around if you're in a pinch, need to every stimulate your milk supply or if baby is for some reason having trouble latching. If you're needing to pump very frequently, I'd suggest an electric pump, but for the occasional pump and especially while traveling, this silicone pump is super handy and easy to use as it works mostly off of your let down. For best results feed baby on one breast while pumping on the other and catch the let-down milk. Silicone Haaka Breast Pump: https://www.amazon.com/Breastfeeding-Silicone-Phthalate-90ml-Lip/dp/B07G46YXQ2/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=haaka%2Bpump&qid=1556644714&s=gateway&sr=8-4&th=1
6. Waterproof pads for the spills, pees and poos! I love these organic waterproof pads that you can place under baby when changing him inside or outside of the house or to have underneath him while sleeping, and especially to use if you're experimenting with elimination communication. We use these every day in various ways! Organic Waterproof pads: https://www.amazon.com/UOMNY-Waterproof-Breathable-Protector-Incontinence/dp/B07MFTPR84/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=organic+cotton+incontinence+pads+for+baby&qid=1556644943&s=baby-products&sr=1-5
7. Burp rags! In the first weeks and months babies can spit up a lot! I quite literally had a burp rag dangling from my shoulder every minute of the day during those first weeks. I love these organic cotton burp rags. Make sure to purchase at least 6! Trust me, you'll need them! https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Reversible-Absorbency-Neutral-Patterns/dp/B07C82DFPS/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=organic+cotton+burp+cloths&qid=1556645093&s=baby-products&sr=1-5
8. Stylish diaper backpack! My husband and I wanted a diaper bag that worked for both of us. At first we tried a normal bag but realized that things were getting lost in the too few pockets and it was always a mess. After purchasing this one, our lives got a lot more organized! And we love that we can carry it over both shoulders so it doesn't get so heavy over just one. https://www.amazon.com/Multi-function-Straps-Insulated-Pockets-Changing-Anti-Water-Gray-5284/dp/B01MCWVQN1/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=hap%2Btim%2Bdiaper%2Bbackpack&qid=1556645241&s=baby-products&sr=1-3&th=1
9. The booger sucker! This is so strange, but leave it up to the Swedes to invent something incredibly smart and practical as this one! When baby is congested, it's a nightmare! If she is trying to nurse AND breathe at the same time but can't, you'll definitely want one of these around: https://www.amazon.com/Fridababy-NoseFrida-Aspirator-Hygiene-Filters/dp/B00RP0GHBO
10. And last but not least, the giant bouncy yoga ball! Why is this considered an "essential newborn item" you ask? For our family and many others I know, it absolutely is! Some babies like to move. When we lie them down and expect them to sleep soundly after spending 9 months in our loud womb that rocks them back and forth, they don't exactly cooperate. The giant yoga ball was a lifesaver for us! Especially in the first 3 months. If baby was fussy we'd often look at each other and say, "It's sling and ball time!" We'd tuck him into the sling and bounce away on the yoga ball and he would calm down and fall asleep within minutes. The ball comes in handy for mom too after hours of nursing and hunching forward every day. It's a great way to stretch out your baby by laying backwards on it. It can also soothe a colicky baby by holding them tightly and lying them face down on the ball and rolling them on their tummies gently back and forth. Also, if you're ordering these items before baby arrives and planning a homebirth, the yoga ball is wonderful for using during labor! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075Y18SJQ/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B075Y18SJQ&pd_rd_w=HoZoC&pf_rd_p=8a8f3917-7900-4ce8-ad90-adf0d53c0985&pd_rd_wg=9R7S1&pf_rd_r=2HGVGPXF7EFT713R3SGM&pd_rd_r=9278419d-6b6e-11e9-b475-c358acaaf9b4