November Full Moon- What Nourishes You?
One of my tips for aligning yourself with your inner Goddess- the source of your wisdom, divine feminine, and deep intuitive knowing is to pay attention to the moon and all of her cycles.
10 Must Haves for your Organic Natural Newborn Registry
Outfits to keep their little wolverine claws from scratching their faces. I absolutely LOVE these little sleeping gowns.
Ground, Release and Love
Big days of change like today are powerful days in our collective consciousness and if you’re an empathic person, it’s very normal to feel like you’re suddenly “hit” with a million feelings, vibrations and even strong sensations that manifest in the body.
Alchemizing Your Rage
The winds of change have come now to cleanse your consciousness- both the consciousness of the masculine and of the feminine. But don’t be confused and don’t get lost in story.